
贈り物 (コウの詩8) [コウの詩 [Poem]]

「贈り物」(GIFT) - 1 秋 (640x480).jpg
「贈り物」(GIFT) - 2冬 (640x480).jpg
「贈り物」(GIFT) - 3春 (640x480).jpg
「贈り物」(GIFT) - 4夏 (640x480).jpg
                   「 G i f t 」
God is in you
 and also among your neighbour
 and through your neighbor God touches you
Then you choose your own path
 and continue to walk
The neighbor is one of the sinners
You are one of the sinners, too
God touches you through sinners
To a sinners talking to God of the light、
 you on seeing a heart of God
To a sinners praying to God of the fire
You to hear a heart of God
You mention a heart of God among sinners giving
 it to God of the water
When sinners shout the name of God in battle,
 Light, fire, and water
make you lose your blood, flesh and heart
The insane act of the sinners  injures you
 and a neighbor.
Still you continue walking own way
There is God in the cry of the people
who lost a family and talks to you
There is God in the tears of the people
 who lost a house
It suites your eyes
There is God in the lonely people
 who got rid of love, and,
 in the vacant people
 who do not know the love,
you feel.
God does not stop touching you
People who cannot feel this world
surrounded by the heart of God
And even the neighbors who can't see or hear
They know that you are continuing
on your own path with God
※1  詩は、特定の宗教とは関係ありません。
   2 素人のつたない英文です。上記の画像内の日本語詩を英訳文しました。もっと、適切な訳文が有りましたらご指導いただければ幸いです。

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