「Of the name there is not it」  


It of the name there is not it
Without a form without a shadow
Without shining
It does not appear in the mirror either


As it does not have the name 
Without arresting you
As there is not a form 
I cannot tie it up


As it does not issue words,
 I do not understand the heart


If it has the thing which we hope for,
 but bends to share it 
There is the thing to overlook there
It does not stop obtaining it


There is it anywhere,
 but cannot feel us to be


When we think of it 
In addition, when I do not think
It touches us anytime


It cannot find it that I do not die
 without living without being born
though I am anywhere


It is invisible
It is just one copy to know it,
but even it passes like wind

※1  詩は、特定の宗教とは関係ありません。


   2 素人のつたない英文です。上記の画像内の日本語詩を英訳文しました。もっと、適切な訳文が有りましたらご指導いただければ幸いです。