「In foot of a mountain of the dusk」


When while the setting sun makes a shadow
 in the mountains,
 I am going to call in books of the night
I from the range of the mountain
Of 360 degrees
With red and yellow and blue and green and gold
I look around the brightness that azure weaves


Figure of nature which is lonely with fairness
It is quiet to be dead
I go to live when vacant


Brightness far apart from the light of the town
 where I saw large drop of stars,
 it which twinkled on the ground until yesterday


I felt human greed to expect
 if I wanted both loneliness and love


※  素人のつたない英文です。上記の画像内の日本語詩を英訳文しました。もっと、適切な訳文が有りましたらご指導いただければ幸いです。