「The reason why I was born」


In the warm amniotic fluid,
 not of the voice

I was dreaming

I heard my mother's heartbeat
and the tweets of the stars


The reason

I was born into a world of cold light,
led by someone's voice,
was to meet you


It was to be selfish,
to say selfishness, to fight,
to cry, to laugh,
to sleep under one roof


I drew a picture on the canvas,
 I love the flowers,
 I sang in the sky and danced in the light


Even if I or someone of you died first,
the testimony of each living will continue
 to live in the memory of everyone
Don't be sad


We were born to make everyone happy

※  素人のつたない英文です。上記の画像内の日本語詩を英訳文しました。
