Shared Ritual (Night of Dance)


When the sun hides and the stars still don't appear,

a pale light is lit and a ceremony to share

and pass on life begins


Both men and women dress up

and make a circle of dances
The Chosen and Chosen
Those who wish and those who do not
Each confirms wealth and health


meet your eyes, put your hands on it,

and dance with your fingers entangled
The light of the flame, the rhythm of the instrument,

the step of waving the hand, and rotating the body


From the shadow of the curtain,

you can hear love songs like birds, animals, fish, stars

and angel voices
When people intoxicated with fire

and singing radiate their memories

in the light and shade
Fireworks are set off,

and a moment's blessing melts into the stars


※  素人のつたない英文です。上記の画像内の日本語詩を英訳文しました。もっと、適切な訳文が有りましたらご指導いただければ幸いです。