Small family story 2022


Missiles fly in the Ukrainian sky on TV in the morning


When you wash your face and look in the mirror

 I can see the plum blossoms

Looking at the field from the window

I feel like my mother is taking a walk


An overrunning tank appears on the TV in the company cafeteria


Looking at the distant grove from the window

 on the second floor of the factory

I can see our house over there

When the chime sounds and the card is recorded

Let's go home where that person is waiting


The crying voice of injured children on the smartphone


Check the mailbox

Looking back at the garden while opening the entrance

even now 

I feel like my dad is weeding


I remember the burning smoke of oil and the smell of gunpowder


Snow is piled up

There is no footprint of the boy who left the house

I don't have a father who scratches snow anymore


A video of a broken house and a burning field is played online


Staring at the parking lot and the shoes at the entrance on holidays

Is the boy who left the house fine?

Gumi flowers bloom in the blue sky

The jet flies right above


Former Prime Minister is shot in a country where the sun rises


Summer is approaching and birds are singing

Someone walks from the other side of the fog

May be that child


