
2020年03月28日のアイドル達 [音 楽[Music]]

  •  おまけに「Shooting Star」も聞きたくなりました。

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共有の儀式(ボカロ イン ドーム)(コウの詩23) [コウの詩 [Poem]]

共有の儀式(ボカロ イン ドーム)-まとめ-1-2 (480x640).jpg
共有の儀式(ボカロ イン ドーム)-まとめ-2 (480x640).jpg
Shared Ritual (Vocalo In Dome)
Seven-colorlasers cut through the false darkness
and Vocalo dances
there's no rock star screaming in the dark
Life and stars rise and fall on a huge screen,
and Vocalo sings
There is no hero
who shouts the unreasonableness of the society now
Vocalo with wings shines
We shake up the light given to us
Now there are no citizens
who raise one hand to direct the dictator
I raise both hands to the sweet singing voice
of Vocalo echoing in the false darkness
and seek salvation
I don't stand shoulder to shoulder with my neighbors,
I just wish for my own salvation
Forget to take over your life (forget the golden way)
To enjoy one's own life
Vocalo in the false darkness...
Now the rock stars screaming in the dark...
※  素人のつたない英文です。上記の画像内の日本語詩を英訳文しました。もっと、適切な訳文が有りましたらご指導いただければ幸いです。

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2020年03月21日のつぶやき 2020/03/22 [絵等による表現 [Picture]]

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共有の儀式(踊りの夜)(コウの詩22) [コウの詩 [Poem]]

共有の儀式(踊りの夜)-まとめ-分離-1 (480x640).jpg
Shared Ritual (Night of Dance)
When the sun hides and the stars still don't appear,
a pale light is lit and a ceremony to share
and pass on life begins
共有の儀式(踊りの夜)-まとめ-分離-2 (480x640).jpg
Both men and women dress up
and make a circle of dances
The Chosen and Chosen
Those who wish and those who do not
Each confirms wealth and health
共有の儀式(踊りの夜)-まとめ-分離-3 (480x640).jpg
meet your eyes, put your hands on it,
and dance with your fingers entangled
The light of the flame, the rhythm of the instrument,
the step of waving the hand, and rotating the body
共有の儀式(踊りの夜)-まとめ-分離-4 (480x640).jpg
From the shadow of the curtain,
you can hear love songs like birds, animals, fish, stars
and angel voices
When people intoxicated with fire
and singing radiate their memories
in the light and shade
Fireworks are set off,
and a moment's blessing melts into the stars
※  素人のつたない英文です。上記の画像内の日本語詩を英訳文しました。もっと、適切な訳文が有りましたらご指導いただければ幸いです。

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2020年03月18日のつぶやき 2020/03/19 [風 景 [Landscape]]

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共有の儀式(洞窟での部族の唄)(コウの詩21) [コウの詩 [Poem]]

共有の儀式(洞窟での部族の歌)  - 四枚まとめ-1 (640x480).jpg
共有の儀式(洞窟での部族の歌)  - 四枚まとめ-2 (640x480).jpg
共有の儀式(洞窟での部族の歌)  - 四枚まとめ-3 (640x480).jpg
共有の儀式(洞窟での部族の歌)  - 四枚まとめ-4 (640x480).jpg
Shared rituals (tribal songs in caves)
When the family goes to sleep,
the warrior heads to the secret cave
The flames twinkling in the darkness
The patterns of the animals
on the wall sway in the light,
bringing back the excitement of following the prey
It reminds me of the blood returned
when I stabbed my spear
and the sad eyes when my prey died
The rhythm is carved by hitting something
Someone sings a story
The song echoes in a cave,
and breath, sweat, blood, and memory come back
A fortune teller prays to something without a name
The sound of wood, stone,
and bones echoes in the cave
Someone dances the rhythm of a warrior
Before you know it,
everyone shakes their bodies
and raises their voices
The flame dances, the air trembles,
and the darkness sings
The Fear of Taking Your Life
and the Prayer for the Rebirth of Life
By the power of darkness, fire, and rhythm,
they are shared in our memories  
The warrior closes his eyes in the sign of dawn
※  素人のつたない英文です。上記の画像内の日本語詩を英訳文しました。もっと、適切な訳文が有りましたらご指導いただければ幸いです。

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雨雪の日の軽食喫茶 [食べ物[Food]]

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IMG_6615 (640x480).jpg

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