
鎮 魂 歌(コウの詩14) [コウの詩 [Poem]]

鎮魂歌 横-3 (640x480).jpg
鎮魂歌 横-4-1 (640x480).jpg
Our bus followed the car
 that was attached to you
 with the flowers lying down
At an intersection following a wharf
Only your car
It turned around toward the sea
Did you love the sea?
Were you loved by the sea?
We're waiting at the exit from the wharf
Before long, I saw your car
Our bus also followed
Did you say goodbye to the sea?
Did the sea say goodbye to you?
Only the car advances
You'll soon be picked up the bones
We're going to pick up the bones soon

※  素人のつたない英文です。上記の画像内の日本語詩を英訳文しました。

タグ: 漁師
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